/ What Is Level A Conformity?

What Is Level A Conformity?

As easy access of information continues to increase, more people are becoming aware of Americans with Disability Act and what it entails. As such, more people are becoming compliant with the act and making it easier for disabled people to use their websites.

With different levels that have evolved over the years, enforcing ADA website compliance is easy. For business people, it allows them to get better following which can be translated to more popularity and profits.

For the disabled, ADA website compliance makes them feel included and frankly, allows them to navigate your website much easier.

So, What Is Level A Conformity?

Level A conformity refers to one of the three levels of WCAG 2.0. It is the earliest level of the act and as such, is one of the easiest to comply with. However, it also has some disadvantages that make it the least favorable level.

Level A Principles

Web content should be stable for more than three seconds to allow users to get clear information. This means that no content whether in form of text, audio or video should flash before the three second period.

i. All content should be labelled.

Website owners must ensure that they label web pages appropriately to make it easier for users to get through. For instance, all pages within the website must have titles and all links must have descriptions. This will give users a clear directive that will help them navigate the website easily. All visual and audio content must also have captions to help explain them.

ii. All content must be clear.

Use of simple universal language like English is encouraged. The website should have simple words that cannot be misinterpreted easily. Any tough or complicated words should be translated appropriately for users.

iii. Website must be well structured.


The structure of the website must make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.

iv. Content must be diverse.

All websites must have the ability to present content in various ways. For instance, visual and audio content must have alternative text presentation. This is meant to help people with disability who may have different interpretation of content especially when presented differently.

Advantages Of Level A Conformity

Level A conformity doesn’t require many details compared to other levels. It mainly focuses on clarity of the website structure and content. This makes it easier for most people who consider many details a hindrance.

Level A doesn’t impose a limit on the number of images one can use in content. This helps in making the website more appealing and making the content more understandable.

This level ensures a website stays predictable thereby increasing familiarity with users. Components of the site can only change when users make a request.

Disadvantages Of Level A Conformity

Doesn’t allow users to customize their view. This limits user experience because some users may not be comfortable with the type view they are presented with.

Level A doesn’t make the use of keyboards mandatory. This is a disadvantage to people with disability who can only access information with the use of a keyboard. Conclusion

While level A conformity may be beneficial to website owners, it provides minimum benefits to people with disability. For example, it lacks the ability to give users instructions on how to complete certain tasks such as form filling.

This does not favor people with disability who may need such instructions or even information on how to fix any errors they make when using a website.

Source: https://adainspectionorangecounty.com

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